waiting to eat...HUNGRY!!cant u see my greedy face?

ahem..someone is trying to open the cover of the pot.gotcha!!!

Stupid Ming Hou is trying to test whether the cake is still soft or not

everyone is looking at him >.<

Stupid face again..

finally...our cake is done..so hungryo.0

can see how concentrate is this HOng Kong guy :)

Him again..hahaha...so concentrate huh??

the stupid oven =.=

we were satisfied with our results..^^

Stupid face-MING HOU with his new gf.

preparing the ingredients for the cake><

A step left to be done-waiting for the oven to be heated

while the were busying, i was too free to take pictures^^

cut cut cut...bake bake bake..we work TOGETHER@!
Wednesday is specially for CCA, so we call it CCA Day. At first, i din plan to join any CCA for today. So, i went for my tuition with my frens at the library with our tutor. (*tutor-Year Two Student).. not handsome, but smart,and SHORT!!)lol...don angry ya^^ after 1 hour, my another stupid fren(MING HOU) called my stupid fren (SIN CHI) to inform her that their club activity for GERMAN CLUB has already started.Today's activity was quite interesting which is baking and cooking, of cos is in German's style lah.. so, that activity had attracted me to join GERMAN CLUB. and, it requires a GERMAN NAME. wanna know?? nah..will tell u guys soon. we were all divided into two groups for competition. of cos la, i went there just to eat. dont blame me for not helping out, it was only that i got no chance to lend them my helping hand..the table was too crowded, i had no place to stand la. At first, our procedures for baking the cake was in a mess. CHEW MING HOU!!! he is the (*PENDALANG UTAMA*)!! haha!!lol brother, dont angry. He mixed the flour with sugar and then poured it into a big bowl with butter. it was really shit @.@.. we took a long time just to find out a way so that it still can work though with the wrong procedures. after struggling for sometimes, finally..it has been done ..SIN CHI and the others frens were cutting the apple to be put on top of the cake.. after we had done all the thing, we started to heat the oven. next...wht do u tink??/of cos is put the cake into the oven la.... while we were waiting for our other group members to finish their cooking for soup, we played and photo taking with our phone. As a result, Here comes MING HOU's rumour. HE is with IPHONE GIRL>LOL...His taste =P.the overall process just took us 2 hours. there is a cute HONG KONG guy spent quite a long time just for the decoration.Indeed, he did it well with full of creativity. what he had done really impressed me alot. NO MISUNDERSTANDING PLEASE. but in the end, we still lose in the competition. nvm, as we dont mind about the result cos we cant wait to eat our food as it smell nice, and TASTE DELICIOUS of cos..whose group??my group bo..of cos la...eh eh eh, not being hao lian or si ai bin la..i'm just talking about the fact. sorry guys.hehe=P. i dint cheat u, it taste really nice. GOOD JOB guys!! we appreciate the time cooking, baking together, even though just a short 2 hours time. In fact, i hope we can participate in every activities organized by the GERMAN CLUB in future. GERMAN CLUB-RAWKS!!!!!!!
hehe...ended here...